Solid offers its clients a fully managed card-art program. That means Solid manages the virtual card approval with the issuing bank and the network.

You can download the virtual cart art template’s Figma file here.

You must follow the Front of Card (FOC) design to simplify the process and get the required approval.

When customizing a card for your card program, you can display a horizontal or vertical virtual card, allowing for creative design choices.

Unlike a Physical Card that has both Front of Card (FOC) and Back of Card (BOC) designs, Virtual Card has only Front of Card (FOC).

The instructions below explain the Virtual Card Front of Card (FOC) template and the customization available to meet the brand guidelines of the FinTech Program.

  1. Start with a blank Horizontal Card

Blank Horizontal Card

  1. Apply your brand’s visual design and logo

Card Design

  1. Display the VISA product identifier:
  • Consumer Debit: Display Debit under the Visa logo.
  • Business Debit: Display Business Debit under the Visa logo.
  • Consumer Credit: Display the Visa logo as-is. No product identifier needed.
  • Business Credit: Display Business under the Visa logo.
  1. Display the card information (16 digit card info, expiration date, CVV, Cardholder Name, Business Name, if a Business Card). VISA also requires Virtual Limited Use to be mentioned on the Front of Card (FOC).

Blank Horizontal Card

Depending on the card’s visual design (dark or light), use the appropriate Visa logo (Blue, White, or Black). Your brand logo needs to contrast the card design (background).