When calling any of the List All APIs on the Solid platform, you can control the pagination of the response using the following filters. For other filters, see the documentation for the relevant List All API.

All the list APIs return a has_more boolean flag in the response to indicate whether there are more records to iterate.

Filter (Type)Type
limit (int)number of records to return (default = 25, max = 100)
starting_after (string)A cursor for use in pagination. starting_after is an ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 50 records, ending with Y2xpXzAxOGY4NjEzMDEyYjdlNTFiOTZjNmVlYWJiNmRiZTky, your subsequent call can include starting_after=Y2xpXzAxOGY4NjEzMDEyYjdlNTFiOTZjNmVlYWJiNmRiZTky in order to fetch the next page of the list.
ending_before (string)A cursor for use in pagination. ending_before is an ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 50 records, starting with Y2xpXzAxOGY4NjEzMDEyYjdlNTFiOTZjNmVlYWJiNmRiZTky, your subsequent call can include ending_before= Y2xpXzAxOGY4NjEzMDEyYjdlNTFiOTZjNmVlYWJiNmRiZTky in order to fetch the previous page of the list.