Rate limiting protects APIs from excessive use and thereby limits their availability. To ensure all your programs can reliably use the Solid APIs and other services, we rate-limit access to those services to ensure no program, its end users, or malicious hackers abuse access. When a program’s traffic exceeds its allocated rate limit, an HTTP 429 status code (Too Many Requests) is returned.

There are two rate-limiting points affecting the Solid platform:

  1. Solid’s AWS CloudFront rate limits Solid’s cloud infrastructure limits all incoming traffic, including a Program’s incoming Solid API HTTP traffic, on a per-client-IP-address basis to 1000 HTTP requests per rolling 5-minute window.
  2. Solid API backend rate limits In the Sandbox environment, Solid default rate limits a program’s traffic (across all client IP addresses) to:
  • 50 read operations per second
  • 50 write operations per second

In the Prod environment, Solid default rate limits a program’s traffic (across all client IP addresses) to:

  • 100 read operations per second
  • 100 write operations per second

As a developer, when your application hits the rate limits, it will receive a 429 response. However, you must take a proactive approach by throttling your traffic before hitting the rate limits in the first place.

Solid may reduce limits or increase limits to enable high-traffic FinTech apps.

If you need a different limit, could be lower or higher, please let your account manager know, and the Solid team will review the request.

IPs whose traffic persistently exceeds this limit by a large margin may be throttled further.